The Virtual Global Nation in conjunction with the Rational Data Industry Model (RDIM) is launching a new layer in cyberspace, this new layer has been designed to support a global governance model and planetary management system as a responsive answer to many of the issues humanity and other species face today. But we won’t realize a transformed world before we learn to transform ourselves. In fact, it is a reiterative, responsive process of growth and development between our internal and external worlds.

This new layer provides a new full motion internet where travelers, wayfarers, and way-showers may travel through information space and consciousness itself, and in the process learn transformation, which in turn leads to individual and species-wide development for all planetary citizens and citizens of humanity. We do this by providing a new macrostructure, a new kind of space, a new set of land standards, and with this a new set of tools and instruments.

Guides are there to help travelers on their way to various destinations, they are the way-showers and within this group, there is the Quawn, who are known as the elite corps of guides, the best of the best. 

Designing a Vehicle for the Nth-dimension Universe

is a lot like designing ones individual practices. It affords one the opportunity to travel through information space, and consciousness itself. This idea is echoed, by Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Ching, "Without going outside, you may know the whole world.
Without looking through the window, you may see the ways of heaven. The farther you go, the less you know.
Thus the sage knows without travelling; He sees without looking; He works without doing." (chapter 47)

Based on the Neoscientific Framework

Short Film Trailer

A Short Film - The Quawn - Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen.

Quawn Community

The Quawn are also like a "special forces" version of the Guide Corps. The Guide Corps is responsible for guiding "citizen-travelers" on their journey, both in their internal world as well as the physical external world and information space. Guides are also tasked with maintaining the intellectual and affective integrity of Nth Dimension Universe, the Virtual Global Nation's, full-motion multi-dimensional metaverse, that runs inside the Rational Data Industry Model (RDIM) supported platform. The platform, is like a Windows, or Mac OS, except different in that it is a Web Based Operating System (WBOS) as opposed to a Machine Based Operating System (MBOS), but interfaces with browsers run on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Mobile OS's designed for broad-scale access.

About The Quawn Community

THE QUAWN PROJECT: The Quawn Project, began  (circa 2004) with the idea of creating a spiritually based community comprised of individuals that are serious about spiritual practice, listening for divine guidance, and being lightworkers in their physical environment.

It stems directly from a couple of books, "Trust Arts, A Guide to Traveling in Virtual Reality", and "The Book of Quawn" which details the early years of the life of Master Quawn, along with his invention of multi-dimensional portals. The "Trust Arts" sub-title, "A Guide to Traveling in Virtual Reality", is a double entendre in that it speaks to both artificially created virtual reality environments (headsets, haptic controls, and all) as well as the virtual reality of the illusory world of perception that we find in personal levels of human consciousness and beyond (written circa 1994). The second understanding is typified by William Blake's, "If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is: infinite."

Overall it is drawn from both eastern and western spiritual writings, scientific literature, psychology, as well as the field of Constructivism. It is paralleled by works like "The Invented Reality: How Do We Know What We Believe We Know? Contributions to Constructivism" by Paul Watzlawick, and "Human Change Processes: The Scientific Foundations of Psychotherapy" by Michael J. Mahoney, as well as "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", by Thomas Kuhn, to mention a few.

The Quawn learn to use a distilled and refined version of spiritual practices in conjunction with technology to assist in spiritual growth. They learn to do this with a new platform(1) that interfaces with the new layer in cyberspace, learning to interact with the semantic layer, concept maps, the data grid, and mind. The idea here is to utilize all resources to support our mission, of building a better world, one of love, peace, possibility, and happiness for all of humankind.

The Vehicles, Platforms, Tools, and Instruments used by the Quawn provide the means to facilitate the coming together of the collective knowledge, wisdom, experience, and understanding of a planetary population.

Who Are the Quawn?

This said, the Quawn are like a "special forces" version of the Guide Corps. The Guide Corps is responsible for guiding "citizen-travelers" on their journey, both in their internal world as well as the physical external world and information space. Guides are also tasked with maintaining the intellectual and affective integrity of Nth Dimension Universe, the Virtual Global Nation's, full-motion multi-dimensional metaverse, that runs inside the Rational Data Industry Model (RDIM) supported platform. The "Guide Layers" together form one of several major check and balance systems of the new architecture. The platform, is like a Windows, or Mac OS, except different in that it is a Web Based Operating System (WBOS) as opposed to a Machine Based Operating System (MBOS), but interfaces with browsers run on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Mobile OS's designed for broad-scale access. Platforms and vehicles are designed to manage web based resources in conjunction with physical systems.

The Quawn in Fiction, and the Quawn in Fact

Both "Trust Arts" and "The Book of Quawn", were fictional sci-fi genre works written under a pseudonym by Marlin Knecht. They were meant to be "readable works" drawing out some of the principles outlined in Knecht's self-directed dissertation, "The Relativistic Perceptual Field Model, A Study of Consciousness and Cognitive Process". These works were coupled with a prototypical proof of concept - and a pilot run, of something similar to an online interactive MMRPG community, tested from 2007 through 2010. This pilot reached a broad international audience, before its completion.

Traveler's Port and the City of Quawn (WAOM)


The Idea of "the Quawn" is featured in the We Are One Movie (WAOM), placed in the setting of Quawn City, on the planet Eturia, where Master Wysteria and Master Quawn have their homes. It is presented there as a community made up of individuals who utilize spiritual practice and technology, to support their own development and that of others across the universe. The idea of the Quawn community is somewhat comparable to a "Jedi Knight" in the Star Wars franchise, with a few important differences, it exists in the physical world today and draws on the "Neoscientific framework" and solid Neoscientific principles as a foundation. Learn more about Neoscience, Neuroscience, and Consciousness Studies here.

(1) This platform is the citizen/user/traveler facing third-generation web portal/interface that provides access to the new layer in cyberspace, it is the front-end of the Planetary Operating System (POS), Planetary Governance (VGN), and the Planetary Management Systems (PMS).

Image Description

The Book of Quawn

It stems directly from a couple of books, "Trust Arts, A Guide to Traveling in Virtual Reality", and "The Book of Quawn" which details the early years of the life of Master Quawn, along with his invention of multi-dimensional portals. The "Trust Arts" sub-title, "A Guide to Traveling in Virtual Reality", is a double entendre in that it speaks to both artificially created virtual reality environments (headsets, haptic controls, and all) as well as the virtual reality of the illusory world of perception that we find in personal levels of human consciousness and beyond (written circa 1994). The second understanding is typified by William Blake's, "If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is: infinite."

Mind, Consciousness, and Information Space

When we begin to look at human consciousness, and what some describe as Mind beyond that, and comparatively at information space itself, we begin to realize that the two are inextricably intertwined in the realm of perception. But we also begin to realize, that there maybe more than just perception. And this takes us to a new frontier.

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